班上的同學閱讀能力都滿強了, 國語日報拿來, 雖然上面都是密密麻麻的字, 小朋友都讀得津津有味.
其中一題: 用"往"來造詞. Kayson 造的是: 往小明.
同學們三字經已經背得滾瓜爛熟, 都不需要看書. Kayson 還沒背過, 看書也跟不上同學念的速度. 只好在那裡發呆.
坐旁邊的玓珊看不下去了, 幫他翻到正在讀的那一頁.
為了讓每天寫功課都寫得好累的他有些放鬆, 星期三半天的時候, 就帶他去吃他喜歡的鐵路便當, 和去淡水騎腳踏車看捷運.
Kayson 在家裡雖然皮, 但在學校倒是很安分守秩序的人, 雖然如此, 離"模範"還是有些距離.
所以那天, 他從學校回來, 跟我們說他當選模範生的時候, 我們都覺得他搞錯了. 等到收到學校通知要照相的時候, 我們才知道我們搞錯了.
原來, 老師讓他們同學自己票選模範生, 他人緣還不錯, 就被高票選為模範生.
爸媽看到獎牌, 還真為他汗顏…以前不都是要五育均優嗎?
交了好多朋友. 也學了很多東西. 收穫滿滿,
於是, 我們決定多待一年, 讓他學得更深入.
他聽到以後, 愣了好久, 然後整個臉皺起來, 拉著我一直說: 我不要啦, 為什麼為什麼要留下來…
--- 後記 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
這期間, Kayson 原來在美國的班上同學也由老師代筆寫信來問候. 他離開後, 幾個常玩在一起的同學都說想念他. 而他的位置也剛好被一個轉學近來的填入. 所以學生數一樣.
這是那天復活節EASTER, 班上小朋友作了小兔子頭套勞作後的合照:
Hi, how are you doing? We miss having you in class. Hope you are having fun. Are you still in Taiwan?
Joshua says-how is your school? and What is your favorite place in Taiwan? and Do you have a pet? Zihao says-I miss you a lot. and Did you have a fun birthday? Kevin says-what have you been doing in Taiwan? and I like Taiwan too! Mason says-Hi, i really miss you Kayson. I really want to see you again. and What is your schools name? Justin says-are you having fun? Ruchi says-Who are your friends in school? Royden says-How many people are in your class? and What is your favorite food ? Ava says-Are you taking an art class? Preston says-happy leprechaun day. Analise says-we hope you have a great time in Taiwan. and Do you have a favorite store? Jasmine says-i hope you are in my class in 3rd grade. Eden says-see you in 3rd grade. and Mohamed says-do you have any new friends in Taiwan? Ryland says-what does your house look like in Taiwan? Jiahao says- Is it beautiful in Taiwan? Brittany says-do you have a favorite restaurant in Taiwan?
Where are you going to travel to next? Keep us updated on what you are doing. Hope to hear from you soon!!
All your friends in room 7 (and your teacher!!)
------ Kayson 的回信
Hi Ms. Frontuto and my friends,
How are you guys? I miss you a lot!
Now I will answer your questions from last mail in blue color.
Joshua says-how is your school? My school is very good! We have to go to school before 8:00. So I must get up earlier here. But I can go home at 12:00 everyday except Tuesday. On Tuesday we stay in school until 4:00 pm.
and What is your favorite place in Taiwan? Tamsui is my favorite place because I can ride my bike, play with my cousins and ride subways.
and Do you have a pet? No, I do not have a pet.
Zihao says-I miss you a lot. and Did you have a fun birthday? Yes, I had a good birthday party. My families get together in Hot spring Hotel in Yang Ming Mountain National Park in Taipei. There are hot springs and freezing water slide. I tried freezing water slide several times and screaming. I had a good time.
Kevin says-what have you been doing in Taiwan? and I like Taiwan too! I go to school everyday. And sometimes I travel. I ride the newest train in Taiwan! The train has a special design so it does not have to slow down when passing a curve.
Mason says-Hi, i really miss you Kayson. I really want to see you again. and What is your schools name? I miss you guys a lot, too. I hope I can see you soon. My schools name is Guang Fu Elementary School. There are 1st grade to 6th grade students in the school.
Justin says-are you having fun? There are many homework here in Taiwan. I spend hours to finish my homework. I prefer to do the homework in USA.
Ruchi says-Who are your friends in school? I like my classmates in school. They are friendly and they are my friends now.
Royden says-How many people are in your class? and What is your favorite food ? I have 25 classmates.
Ava says-Are you taking an art class? There are few art activities and class here.
Preston says-happy leprechaun day. ha ha. That is funny!
Analise says-we hope you have a great time in Taiwan. and Do you have a favorite store? Yes, I had good time in Taiwan. But I don't have favorite store yet.
Jasmine says-i hope you are in my class in 3rd grade. I hope so!
Eden says-see you in 3rd grade. See you in 3rd grade!
and Mohamed says-do you have any new friends in Taiwan? My classmates are my new friends.
Ryland says-what does your house look like in Taiwan? Most people live in apartment building in Taiwan. I live in my grandparents building. There are 13th floor and about a hundred people living in the same building.
Jiahao says- Is it beautiful in Taiwan? It rains a lot in Taiwan so there are trees in mountain. It is beautiful in Taiwan.
Brittany says-do you have a favorite restaurant in Taiwan? My favorite restaurant is "Shabu Shabu". It is a Japenese style hot pot. You throw the meat and vegetables into the hot pot to cook. And eat with rice and noodle.
Love, Kayson